Friday, July 13, 2007

sat 14 2007 july

11:30am hi its matthew 2day one of my best friends ads (nicknameused) i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to fight him ( wrestle) somtimes we use shoe boxes as weapons(there not that bad they hurt but it gives ua an essence of hardcore)theyr hard to find but maby if you have any spares we can maby set up a site fr sending them to of course compensation is in order................eventualy

12pm his phones still engaged so il talk about my passion for music i ussed to practise bass guitar and i write songs so far i have around 20 i also used to play guitar and will be continuing in yyr 7 (next year) im gunna do singing lessions (hopefully) ill show you one of my worse songs but is still copyrited plese dont use

deep down my first song

dont wanna like you anymore

gunna walk rite out the door

cuz deep down i know you reely dont like me

deep down i know it isnt true

cuz i know your walkin rite through

deep down inside of you

inside of you....................

deep down inside of you.........

*fade out with you*

this is a song i wrot when i was 10 in year 5 if you enjoyed this email me @

also i need help with this song these are the opening lines

maby im hurt and im down

maby im tired and sorry

but you dont have to go home

and leave me here alone

all help would be apreciated send to

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