Friday, July 13, 2007


fri 13 2007

0754 am got woken up by my sis 9 and her friend 7 i was rewaring to start the day it was gunn-................screew this it was a boring day let me take you back to a day i forget which one it all started when.......

me and 2 of my friends dave and don we were going to see daves friend he was my friend more than don it was a way steep hill we bought daves bike and he rode up we(me and don)ran up behinde him

ok skip ahead bout 3 mins and its my turn to ride down the hill now they didt mention thge brakes wer screwed on this bike i went down the hill on grass when i hit the curb i flew up i had the bike go over my right shoulder and cut it bad i punctured the wheel of the bike and i blacked out fr 1 secong and all i could hear was don and dave yelling matts had an accident come quick when dave came over i sed quick get me inside i know tihs will hurt so he threw the bike offf my legs and helped me up i had bad cuts all over and i was in a bad way couldnt walk very well i had a cut that didt bleed but was open and was blood stained

that was officially the worst fall ive ever had a cuple oif days ago i imagined it like a jackass stunt they went down and the guy was full laughing and stuff ty for reading my classic jackass im fine now it was bout 5 months ago

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